Fighting phishing attacks requires a combination of awareness, vigilance, and the use of security measures. Phishing attacks are attempts to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details, to malicious actors. Understanding the various types of attacks can help users to “reel” in awareness regarding how to protect yourself and your organization.

Spear Phishing: Rather than sending generic phishing emails to a wide audience, attackers now often engage in spear phishing. They research their targets and craft highly personalized messages, making it more likely that we will fall for the Scam

Social Engineering: Phishers use social engineering techniques to manipulate their victims. They may impersonate a trusted entity or individual, creating a sense of urgency or fear to prompt immediate action like calls from the US Government, your boss, your bank or credit card companies

Advanced Spoofing: Attackers use advanced techniques to spoof email addresses and websites, making them appear legitimate. This can include using similar domain names or crafting emails that mimic official communication, but may have one letter different or perhaps a .com instead of a .net

Ensure you and your team are taking the steps to protect yourself and your organization.

Phishing attacks are constantly evolving, so it’s essential to remain attentive and adapt your defenses accordingly. Regular training, awareness, and the implementation of security best practices are crucial steps in fighting phishing attacks effectively. Verify email addresses, attachments, ensure you are doing computer updates and educate yourself on your companies applications filtering, anti-virus and password policies.

If you are not sure where to start when it comes to defining strategies to help combat, provide testing and training for your organization, IQ Wired can help.