Four million people quit their job in April creating a record high of ten million jobs being available by the end of June. The trend, the buzz “The Great Resignation”. Time at home lead the introspective thought process on what’s important and now employees are ready to place demands on their employer. Employees are insisting on greater flexibility and higher pay. “Today’s talent is won and lost with flexibility. Leaders who grant their people the autonomy to decide how, when, and where to work will have a massive competitive advantage over those who do not.” So as a business thought leader, are you ready to navigate the new trends and desires of the top talent you are seeking?

Many employers think overcoming the Great Resignation is about work from anywhere flexibility, but employees’ concerns are deeper than if they have to come into the office or not. Humu, a company that uses data to help make employees happier in their job, shows leaders are lacking in providing emotional support and creating an opportunity for their employees to thrive. Creating a culture used to be Happy Hours, a ping pong table and other acceptable ‘work time’ team building. This euphoric sense of togetherness is a key to what will be today’s success in keeping your workforce long-term; even if it means creating it from a distance.

As an employer with a remote workforce, you have to provide security across potentially multiple states while not impeding on the self-sufficiency of your employees. The good news for you is the immense number of tools and technology available can ensure not only compliance, but a unique brand experience for your employees and ultimately your customers.

Leadership, IT, HR, and Marketing teams are key drivers to this new success. Through HR and Collaboration tools you can create themed hobby groups brining multiple departments togethers on a common goal. Ever thought of hosting a cooking night over Zoom with your team? Creating public chat rooms for like minded workers or Working Mom groups as a way to express success and challenges. Automation tools creating messaging for when project milestones are reached allowing managers to proactively reach out to teams. Tracking working hours in real time and offering automated coffee or walk breaks.  

New technology will empower you with employee data to create an individual experience in retaining and attracting top talent. IQ Wired helps to humanize technology and understands how to bring IT, HR, Marketing, and Leadership together to redefine success in the post “Great Resignation” era.

Published On: September 21st, 2021 / Categories: Uncategorized / Tags: , , , , , /