IT spending will grow 5.1% in 2022 across multiple categories per Analysts. It is also predicted, per KPMG, that the massive Merger and Acquisitions witnessed in 2021 will be exponentially surpassed in 2022. With this type of growth and the expected initiative changes, these are areas that organizations really need dedicated employees to execute flawlessly on their goals. Ironically though, we have entered one of the most competitive labor markets in years so talent acquisition, retention and tenure has become a top challenge for businesses.

IQ Wired is uniquely qualified to support your 2022 organizational growth and technology initiatives. Our industry leading Telecommunications and Technology Service Management program leverages people, processes, support and software to guarantee both time and financial savings.

We have saved clients over $20 million dollars in technology and telecommunications Opex spend while also saving 25% of employees time so that they may instead focus on other, more strategic initiatives. We know our clients try to do their best to manage the complexity of IT but it is not their organization’s core objective or their core competency. Luckily, it’s ours and we are built to manage the chaos and noise… but how?

We have specific tools, industry experience and a process that creates a repeatable experience and a true partnership with our clients. As one client states; “IQ Wired brings to bear a kind of simplistic overlay to a highly complex environment.” Ultimately IQ Wired is here to be a part of your team while defending and protecting your strategies both near and long term.

And our impact is almost immediate; “We wanted to let the IQ Wired team know how much we appreciate you all already, even at only a week into this adventure with you. In our weekly facilities meeting today, on two separate occasions, the team gushed and sang your praises over how happy they were with the assistance already received. They had hope in their voice that the drama and pain of circuit orders and carrier vendor management could be a thing of our past and we can learn to do this right with you on our side.”

Is it time for you to take a harder look at what it really means to effectively manage your technology and telecommunications? We can help! Let’s kick off your 10% savings guarantee today.

Published On: February 2nd, 2022 / Categories: Telecom Technology Updates / Tags: , , /